Intelligent Shop is committed to safeguarding the privacy of customers in accordance with the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486) (the “Ordinance”) under the laws of Hong Kong. When you register to become one member, all information provided is automatically submitted to our internal system. All collected personal data is used for Intelligent Shop‘s internal use only. We endeavour to preserve, protect and keep confidential of all Personal Data stored, and/or collected, and/or transferred from you. Please read the following to learn more about our Privacy Policy Statement (“Statement”) : (中文版本在下面)

  1. What this Statement Covers
    This Statement covers the Personal Data that we collect and handle when you become our member, when you subscribe with us or when you request for our services. Where our operations are subject to privacy legislation other than that of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“Hong Kong”), then this Statement shall be applied so far as practicable and consistent with such local legislation.
  2. Collection of Personal Data
    1. You may be requested to provide your Personal Data when you use our products and services or when you visit our websites, such as when you subscribe to become our member, when you register an online account, when you do in-store or online shopping, when you conduct gift redemption or voucher request, when you submit any comments or feedbacks to us, and/or when you are required to verify your identity with us.
    2. The Personal Data that you may be requested to provide us include but are not limited to, your title, name, gender, phone number, email address, mailing address, birthday information, nationality, personal interests and favorite product categories.
    3. It is mandatory for you to provide certain categories of Personal Data (as specified at the time of collection). Refusal to provide any Personal Data marked as mandatory may render us unable to handle any membership application or request you are making, and we reserve the right not to provide our products or services, including refusing your membership application.
    4. All Personal Data will be collected on a voluntary, open and fair basis.
    5. Any information that we collect will be used for internal use only, and will not be disclosed to third parties.
  3. Purposes for Collection of Personal Data
    1. for handling your membership application, maintaining and managing your member account;
    2. for the provision of sales, or rewards, birthday promotion, eCoupon and services under any programs or events by Intelligent Shop / its service providers (who are engaged by us to assist with providing you our services);
    3. for carrying out your instructions, responding to your enquiry or providing customer service to you;
    4. for performing investigation, research or statistical analysis in order to improve our products and services and for marketing purpose;
    5. with your consent, for direct marketing purpose, and for notifying you about new product, special offers and other special promotions;
    6. for forming part of customer data base necessary for the Intelligent Shop‘s operation; and/or
    7. for observing any legal, governmental or regulatory requirements of Hong Kong or other relevant jurisdiction including any disclosure or notification requirements to which Intelligent Shop or other class of data recipient are subject.
  4. Accuracy
    Intelligent Shop will take all practicable steps to ensure that the Personal Data so collected are accurate. However, your efforts to provide accurate Personal Data upon subscription of Intelligent Shop services and thereafter to update Intelligent Shop of any changes of your Personal Data are always welcome.
  5. Retention of Personal Data
    Your Personal Data will only be retained for as long as is necessary to fulfil the original purpose for which it was collected, unless contrary to any applicable statutory requirement.
  6. Personal Data from Social Network
    We collect your public profile data only from your consent that you grant before initiating Social Login, from the social network used to login at our website. This data includes your first name, last name, email address, link to your social media profile, unique identifier, link to social profile avatar. This data is used to create your user profile at our website. You can revoke this consent at any time from your profile page at our website or by sending us an email.
  7. Contact Us
    If you have any questions regarding this Statement, please email us at

Intelligent Shop 承諾根據香港個人資料(私隱)條例(第486章)(下稱「條例」)保障所有顧客的私隱。當閣下申請成為我們的會員時,所有資料將自動遞交至 我們的內部系統。所有個人資料只供內部使用。我們會竭力維護及保護所有閣下被儲存的個人資料、及/或從閣下所收集的、及/或由閣下移轉的個人資料,並將之保密。請閱讀以下條款以了解我們的私隱政策聲明(下稱「聲明」):

  1. 聲明範圍
  2. 個人資料的收集
    1. 當閣下使用我們的產品及服務或瀏覽我們的網站時,閣下會被要求提供個人資料,例如,當閣下登記成為我們的會員、登記網上帳戶、在店舖內或網上購物、進行禮品兌換或使用電子禮券、向我們提交任何意見和反饋,及/或我們需要核對閣下身份的時侯。
    2. 我們會要求閣下提供以下個人資料,包括但不限於,稱謂、姓名、性別、電話號碼、電郵地址、郵寄地址、生日資料、國籍、個人興趣及最喜愛的產品類別。
    3. 閣下必須提供某些個人資料(在收集個人資料時會列明)。假如閣下未能提供任何被列明為「必須」的個人資料,我們有可能無法處理任何會籍申請或閣下提出的要求,而本公司保留拒絕提供我們的產品或服務的權利,包括拒絕閣下的會籍申請。
    4. 所有個人資料將會在自願、公開及公平的基礎上收集。
    5. 所有收集的資料只供內部使用,並不會向第三者披露。
  3. 收集個人資料的目的
    1. 處理閣下的會籍申請,維持及管理閣下的會員帳戶;
    2. 提供由 Intelligent Shop/我們所聘用的、協助我們向閣下提供服務的服務供應商的銷售服務,或任何計劃或活動的獎賞、生日優惠、電子禮券及服務;
    3. 執行閣下的指示、回應閣下的查詢或向閣下提供顧客服務;
    4. 進行調查、研究及統計分析,以改善的我們的產品和服務,及作促銷用途;
    5. 在獲得閣下同意後作直接促銷用途,及通知閣下有關新產品、優惠及其他特別推廣的消息;
    6. 組成 Intelligent Shop 運作所需的顧客資料庫的一部分;及/或
    7. 遵守香港或其他有關地區的任何法律、政府或監管的要求,包括 Intelligent Shop 或其他類別的資料接收者須遵守的披露或通知要求。
  4. 準確性
    Intelligent Shop 會採取所有切實可行的步驟以確保所收集的個人資料均為準確。Intelligent Shop 歡迎閣下在登記 Intelligent Shop 的服務時提供準確的個人資料及在資料變更時通知 Intelligent Shop 以作及時更新。
  5. 個人資料的保留
  6. 來自社交網絡的個人數據
    我們僅根據您在啟動社交登錄之前授予的同意,從用於登錄我們網站的社交網絡收集您的公開個人資料數據。 這些數據包括您的名字、姓氏、電郵地址、指向您的社交媒體資料的鏈接、唯一標識符、指向社交資料頭像的鏈接。 這些數據用於在我們的網站上創建您的用戶資料。 您可以隨時從我們網站上的個人資料頁面或通過向我們發送電郵來撤銷此同意。
  7. 聯絡我們